Saison: 2022

Hagen Chipmunks vs Wuppertal Stingrays II

Duisburg Flying Bats vs Wassenberg Squirrels

Mönchengladbach Blackcaps vs Dortmund Wanderers IV

Dortmund Wanderers IV vs Krefeld Crows

Wuppertal Stingrays II vs Bochum Barflies

Wuppertal Stingrays II Claims Lead In Sixth Inning To Defeat Bochum Barflies

Wuppertal Stingrays II snatched the lead late in the game in a 25-15 victory over Bochum Barflies on Sunday. The game was tied at 15 with the Stingrays batting in the bottom of the sixth when T Byrtus singled on the first pitch of the at bat, scoring two runs.

Ortmann led the Stingrays to victory by driving in eight runs. Ortmann went 2-for-6 at the plate. Ortmann drove in runs on a double in the sixth, a walk in the sixth, and a double in the seventh.

The Barflies got things started in the first inning when Dudel was struck by a pitch, driving in a run.

Teichler earned the victory on the mound for the Stingrays. The bulldog went four and a third innings, allowing four runs on seven hits, striking out four and walking zero. Ortmann threw two innings in relief out of the bullpen.

Theis took the loss for the Barflies. Theis lasted three innings, allowing five hits and seven runs while striking out one.

Ma Mangold started the game for the Stingrays. The hurler lasted two-thirds of an inning, allowing one hit and nine runs while striking out one.

The Stingrays racked up 12 hits on the day. Tacke, Griesbach, Ortmann, and Byrtus each had multiple hits for the Stingrays. Tacke led the Stingrays with three hits in four at bats.

Bochum saw the ball well today, racking up ten hits in the game. S Balk, Drewers, and Theis all managed multiple hits for the Barflies. The Barflies tore up the base paths, as two players stole at least two bases. P Balk led the way with two.

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Hagen Chipmunks vs Ratingen Goose-Necks II

Mönchengladbach Blackcaps vs Wassenberg Squirrels

Düsseldorf Senators II vs Paderborner Untouchables III

Minden Millers vs Hochdahl Neandertaler

Bochum Barflies vs Hagen Chipmunks

Ein sonniger Tag, leider beschattet von einer Verletzung mit RTW-Einsatz. Zum Glück nicht mit allzu großen Folgen. Nichtsdestotrotz wünschen wir an dieser Stelle gute Besserung und schnelle Genesung.

15 Uhr und erneut Playball im Anemonenweg. Die Bochumer Barflies bewirteten am vergangenen Sonntag die Chipmunks aus Hagen und schenkten ihnen gastfreundliche wie sie sind von Anfang an gut ein.

Denn auch dieses Mal bekamen die Zuschauer am Platz im Anemonenweg soliden Baseball von den Bochumer zu sehen. So gingen diese wieder früh in Führung (0:4 im ersten Inning) und waren nicht gewillt das Zepter aus der Hand zu geben (1:8 im dritten Inning).

Tim Nengelken feierte sein Comback auf dem Mount, anfangs noch etwas wild mit dem ein oder anderen Hit by Pitch, im Laufe des Spiels aber mit verlässlichen Strike Outs und wenig Arbeit für das In- bzw. Outfield. Eine gute Pitcherleistung gepaart mit vielen Hits und aggressivem Baserunning von den Bochumern, machten es für die Hagener sehr schwer ins Spiel zu finden. Was in einem Endergebnis von 6 zu 21 Runs für die Heimmannschaft resultierte.

Unterm Strich von beiden Seiten viel sportlicher Ehrgeiz in einer doch recht kollegialen Atmosphäre. Ich bin mir sicher, das 2. Date wird ähnlich positiv verlaufen

Four RBI Day For Marcel Penger Seals The Deal In Bochum Barflies’s Victory Over NRW Hagen Chipmunks

Bochum Barflies defeated the Hagen Chipmunks 21-6 on Sunday thanks in part to Penger, who drove in four runners. Penger drove in runs on a single in the first, a groundout in the fifth, and a fielder’s choice in the sixth.

Bats blistered as the Barflies collected 19 hits and the Chipmunks tallied seven in the high-scoring game.

The Barflies got things started in the first inning. Penger drove in two when hesingled.

The Barflies put up six runs in the sixth inning. Drewers, Penger, Sinev, and Sandmann all moved runners across the plate with RBIs in the inning.
The Chipmunks scored three runs in the sixth inning. Körschner and Metz each had RBIs in the big inning.

Nengelken took the win for the Barflies. Nengelken went four and a third innings, allowing three runs on three hits and striking out five. S Balk threw one and two-thirds innings in relief out of the bullpen.

Metz took the loss for the Chipmunks. The hurler allowed 12 hits and 13 runs over four innings, striking out four.

The Barflies had 19 hits in the game. P Balk, Penger, Drewers, Sinev, Dudel, and Sandmann each managed multiple hits for the Barflies. Sinev, Drewers, Penger, and Balk each collected three hits to lead the Barflies. The Barflies tore up the base paths, as three players stole at least two bases. Drewers led the way with four.

The Chipmunks racked up seven hits in the game. Metz and Mroz each had multiple hits for the Chipmunks.

„Powered by Narrative Science and GameChanger Media. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.“